Wray's Rebel Page

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This site is about the Murphy Rebel, an all metal high wing 2+ place aircraft.. Included is a living (rewritten) version of the Rebel manual. Rewritten to put things in a more logical order (at least from my point of view) Comments and notes have been added to help through the construction process. Some are mine, some ideas from others I tried, found useful and added. Some sections were rewritten to add additional details. For those of you with older manuals you may find some useful additions. Those of you with newer aircraft probably already have a more up to date manual. Any additional hints, tips or corrections are welcome. This information is provided by builders for the sole purpose of exchanging ideas and the factory, Murphy has the latest data and the final word. Use at your OWN discretion and remember MAM is the ONLY authority on this aircraft..Wray Thompson R306